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He/Him, 19, La Puente CA

Q. What do you think your room says about you?
-In my opinion, my room represents a place to unwind after a long day of working or doing nothing. I also like to keep my space nice and tidy, so I know where everything is at.On the contrary, I have an abundance of what someone might call “useless” items, but to me, they mean something.

Q. Do you think your future room will have the same qualities as your room now?

-I believe that, my future room will have some aspects of my current one. For example, a closet, a bed, and a tv. All jokes aside, I feel like my room will change in physicality in a way that would be unrecognizable to that of someone who visits it regularly.

Q. In some photographs, I may have asked you what items or pieces of your room meant the most to you, why did you choose those items? What connection do you have with these objects?

-Three items I chose to explain their importance in my room were, a Rubik’s cube, skateboards, and hats. To start with, a Rubik’s cube is a puzzle that not many people can solve. This intrigued me into solving it, and within 8 hours of trial and error and countless clicking on multiple YouTube videos, I finally solved it. The rest is history. This item is basically vanity at this point since I have it on display and haven’t played with it for a while. Now onto the next item, my skateboards. My first skateboard, was one my dad had bought me, but I lost it. So years later I copped a $15 Kryptonics Walmart skateboard. I landed my first Ollie with that board and I still have it to this day. This sparked a love for skating, that I wish I had realized sooner. Last but not least, hats. I received my first hat from a rich kid I met back in ‘09. It was a North Carolina hat and I’ve only worn it the day I got it, so once. This hat kinda led one thing to another and now I have about 10 hats and some beanies. One main reason I love wearing hats is because if you’re having a bad hair day, you can just plop on a hat and you’re good to go.

Q. Did you clean your room before it was photographed? I gave no instruction to clean or prepare your room in any way. If you did choose to clean it why? And if you didn't choose to clean it, how come?

-I don’t remember cleaning my room before the photo shoot. I don’t think I cleaned it because I was asked on the spot, and I said yes because I thought it would’ve been fun.

Q. Are you home often? (if so why?) Do you spend the most time in your room or elsewhere?(if so why?)

-I find myself in my room often because I’m usually tired. Most likely because of my sleep schedule, but also because of work and having fun doing other things. I feel like my room is the 1st place I’m occupying the most, with work being 2nd.

Q. Would you say you're proud of your room? Do you feel like it suits you well? (alternate question: Do you feel like it is a good representation of who you are/how you project yourself?)

-Of course I’m proud of my room. I hand placed everything in its rightful place to express myself the way that I want. I do feel like my room represents me.

Q. How do you feel about where you are in life right now? Are you content with how everything is going and how you are portrayed?

-At this point in time, I feel life is great for me and that there’s so much more to come I just can’t wait. At the moment, I can say that, yes I am content with the way life is going for me right now even though we are currently being invaded by a virus. Other than that, all is well.

Q. Do you consider yourself a social person, or do you fall somewhere in between social and antisocial? (explain)

-I can be social and antisocial at times. An example would be, if I went to a party with some homies, I would be all social with them, but if someone came up to me and asked me a question ,I would go full awkward mode and try my best not to make it awkward by making it awkward.

Q. Why did you want to be a part of this series?

- I wanted to take part in this series because it seemed like a fun thing to do and an opportunity to show people who I am.

Q. How do you think you'll react to these photos later on in life?

-I love to laugh. So most likely, laughing at my past self and asking “what the fuck were you thinking”.

Q. Did you have any following statements about your room? Anything you want people to take away from these photos?

-With these photos to showcase for anyone’s viewing pleasure, I would like to say that this is where I sleep and wake up everyday, and I am grateful for that, because not many people have that privilege.