She/Her, 22, Covina CA

Q.What do you think your room says about you?
- How messy I am.
Q. Do you think your future room will have the same qualities as your room now?
- Definitely.
Q. In some photographs, I may have asked you what items or pieces of your room meant the most to you, why did you choose those items? What connection do you have with these objects?
-My journal reminds me to write everyday. My bufanda I got In Acapulco and my vanity chair my grandmother gave me. Also my cat, who is my guardian animal.
Q. Did you clean your room before it was photographed? I gave no instruction to clean or prepare your room in any way. If you did choose to clean it why? And if you didn't choose to clean it, how come?
- Yes I cleaned . I’m just the type to clean before someone comes over , but also I usually have clothes all over the floor all days of the week, so we needed that space.
Q. Are you home often? (if so why?) Do you spend the most time in your room or elsewhere?(if so why?)
-Not usually, but when I am I’m in my room.
Q. Would you say you're proud of your room? Do you feel like it suits you well? (alternate question: Do you feel like it is a good representation of who you are/how you project yourself?)
-Yeah I believe my room represents me.
Q. How do you feel about where you are in life right now? Are you content with how everything is going and how you are portrayed?
-This is the most interesting life I’ve lived, and I am more than content with how everything plays out everyday.
Q. What genre or groups do you think you belong to?
- A group of fairies.
Q.Do you consider yourself a social person, or do you fall somewhere in between social and antisocial? (explain)
-Antisocial, but if talked too I’m down to be social.
Q.Why did you want to be a part of this series?
-Because I like Ray Napoles and my room is my fav place to be myself in
Q. How do you think you'll react to these photos later on in life?
-“Oh shit”