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He/Him, 20, Covina CA

Q. What do you think your room says about you?

-I think my room shows off my minimalist interest, but also shows my “artsy” side. I like to display a lot of my art, such as sculptures or drawings. I also love to display my friends artworks and feel that they give more meaning to my room.

Q. Do you think your future room will have the same qualities as your room now?

-My future room will definitely have some minimalist features, but I would definitely like to display even more art, and hopefully create more things in the future to display.

Q. In some photographs, I may have asked you what items or pieces of your room meant the most to you, why did you choose those items? What connection do you have with these objects?

-My sculptures were some pieces that meant a lot to me in my room, because they express my creativity and the hard work that I’ve put into them. I also have a couple of postcards from places I’ve traveled to hung up on my wall, in which I would hope to continue adding more to my collection.

Q. Did you clean your room before it was photographed? I gave no instruction to clean or prepare your room in any way. If you did choose to clean it why? And if you didn't choose to clean it, how come?

-No I did not clean my room, technically it was clean before the pictures, because I like to keep my room clean and organized at all times.

Q. Are you home often? (if so why?) Do you spend the most time in your room or elsewhere?(if so why?)

-Not really home as much because of school, so that also adds to how my room is usually clean. I’m never really home to make a mess, but I do appreciate the times I am home to spend time in my room.

Q. Would you say you're proud of your room? Do you feel like it suits you well? (alternate question: Do you feel like it is a good representation of who you are/how you project yourself?)

-I’m somewhat proud of my room, but think I could add a little more to really make it express more about me. I feel like it does suit me to a point. Something I would love to add would be more plants and really fill my room with them.

Q. How do you feel about where you are in life right now? Are you content with how everything is going and how you are portrayed?

-I’m pretty happy with where I am in life. I’m surrounded by great people who I think help me be who I am, and allow me to express myself without feeling judged.

Q. Do you consider yourself a social person, or do you fall somewhere in between social and antisocial? (explain)

-With certain people, I would say I’m a social person. I don’t really like interacting with “new” people at first, but once I get to actually know someone, I do start to socialize more, and make new friends. The people I usually surround myself with are the ones that I really show who I am to and am able to socialize a lot more.

Q. How do you think you'll react to these photos later on in life?

-I think I’ll probably laugh at how I look, I’m always switching up my hair and style, so I think it would be kinda silly seeing how I look. Overall, I think I’d enjoy seeing these pictures in the future and just think about the memories from this time.

Q. Did you have any following statements about your room? Anything you want people to take away from these photos?

-I hope to take away the idea of being able to express yourself within your living situations. I think everyone has a safe space and to most, a bedroom is one of them. You should be able to make it comfortable and suiting to you without having the need to feel that you have to keep your room a certain way.